
Integrity Self Assessment Process 2009 - a diagnostic tool for National Defence Establishments

Authored by Transparency International TI-DS working with NATO, NATO member nations and NATO partner nations The Integrity Self-Assessment Process is a mechanism that has been developed within the NATO Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building (PAP-DIB). It is focused on practical support for nations, helping their defence reform efforts, as well as helping nations meet their international obligations within the UN framework. The process consists of two elements: a questionnaire to be completed by the nation, and a follow-up on-site visit by a NATO-led expert review team, who will meet with representatives of the nation to discuss the replies to the questionnaire. The questionnaire focuses on practical performance rather than legislation. The NATO-led expert view team will exchange views on best practice, and consider with the nation how it might strengthen the integrity of its defence establishment and reduce corruption risk. The expert team is led by NATO International staff, and comprises three or four people, including representatives of nations and of subject matter experts from Transparency International and other experienced organisations. While aimed primarily at Defence, the nation may apply the Integrity Self- Assessment Process to other Ministries and institutes in the security sector. The development of the Integrity Self-Assessment Process has been taken forward by a small ad hoc team led by Poland with the participation of Norway, Ukraine, Georgia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, and the UK, as well as Transparency International (UK), NATO International Staff, and NATO School Oberammergau. The draft text has also been consulted with NC3, UNODC, OECD and DRMI (Monterey).


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