Case Study: Anti-Corruption in preventing deforestation in Indonesia
Climate/Environment is one of the five sectors prioritised by the Norwegian Parliament. The large multi-country programme is called Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative or NICFI, of which support for Indonesia is a major part. NICFI is managed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD) in Oslo and disburses NOK 3 billion per annum . Corruption in the climate/environment sector affects broad communities of people through accelerated climate change and involves large amounts of money – vast quantities of assets – being misappropriated. Management of resources such as forestry require strong systems to prevent corrupt permits, illegal logging and other forms of corruption. The same goes for managing fisheries in bountiful marine ecosystems. The harm this causes to the environment, society, and people living in poverty is immense. This Case Study. done by Nordic Consulting Group in 2020 for NORAD, is focused on anti-corruption in one major climate change initiative: preventing destruction of tropical forests in Indonesia.It can also be found on the NORAD website, together with several other Case Studies, at